
Friday, 20 April 2012

What young people are saying about drug legalization - via sxephil

by Karl Smyth

Philip DeFranco is a vlogger on YouTube with over 2 million subscribers, and his videos often get over 500,000 views. He recently did a video mentioning the fact that Mexico’s former PM, Vincente Fox, is publicizing his support for drug legalization. After reviewing the story, Phil asks his audience (which is primarily youths) to comment about their views regarding legalizing any drugs. These comments are telling of the opinions people have about this issue and why they think so. As a youth organization, CSSDP can benefit from this type of survey info, so below are a bunch of the edited comments pulled from the site.

Jump to 1:30 in the video to see the drug legalization story.


NO ONE SHOULS LEGALIZE METH, COCAINE OR HEROIN.I can say from firsthand experience because a family member of mine got into meth, and a couple of weeks after being caught and made to serve time in the military in order to evade prison time, she threatended to kill several people. Drugs such as those are dangerous, and turn normal human beings into murderous monsters.


Prohibition does not work. Never has, never will.

If you're truly concerned about harder drugs, why not propose just decriminalisation?


The only drug that should be legalized is marijuana. It does not produce addiction in most cases and its harmfulness to the body is even less than tobacco. The only reason it is illegal is because of ANYONE can produce it and is therefore more difficult to tax and control. Legalizing it would make a huge dent on the cartels.


All drugs should be legalized and be taxed and sold and quality controlled.

There should be exact instructions on how to use them in the packages including telling to take ammount x-y for minimum-maximum effect and ammount z that will kill you.

Not for weed ofc because its impossible to kill yourself with weed no matter how hard you try, unless you burry yourself under a ton of weed.


legalizing drugs will not get rid of gangs they will just move on to other unlawful things


its sad to say but the president of mexico is right, since the birth of man there has been a demand for drugs and thus there is a high production of it. we've been spending billions upon billions of dollars each year trying to stop it and we havn't even came close to winning the war on drugs. we lost hundreds of years ago. there will always be a demand for drugs for as long as humans live, and until then, we could either keep spending billions of dollars each year wwith no effect, or legalize.


The people who want to do the hard drugs will find a way to do the hard drugs. Buying drugs on the black market means that the government is not getting any taxes on it. Many people who do have a problem with drugs do not seek help out of fear of punishment. If it is all legalized the government will have a new revenue stream, and those in trouble can seek the help they need. Legalize it.


Most here probably agree we should legalize weed. Other drugs people are more scared of, some of this is warranted, some isn't. Heroin is not something to worry about. It's addictive, like nicotine, but it's an opiate, so it doesn't make people belligerent. It really ought to be legal and given under prescriptions. Cocaine is different-it is a powerful stimulant and wrong dosing (like any drug) can cause serious problems and erratic behavior. It could still be legalized, but tightly controlled.


Not sure legalizing all drugs is a great idea, but I do believe in the legalization of marijuana. That itself is a long ways away.


not all drugs should be legal, however most should. i think heroin should remain illigal, as then less people would under-estimate how addictive it is, so not try it. how ever, with ever other illigal drug, im all for legalisation,


I say let the stupids kill themselves

if they want to do drugs, fine! let them.

they'll most likely die from it...

less stupid people, less stupid stuff happens, world is a better place


1. legalize drugs and tax.

2. if you do drugs, you dont get government aid (yeah you have to make choices. just can you can do drugs doesnt mean you should or that because you have the right to you are owed the ability to. ex. drinking, if you do it appropriately good job, if you stupid, thats your own shit, dont look to me for help.)

3. problem solved.


i don't believe in it... we are democratic, tax money is collective money. sometimes we decide that even though something causes damage, its worth it... like with alcohol.. when someone consciously harms himself, in a manor that is not recognized by the majority, it's an anti-democratic act...

however the law as of now is hypocritical, we have drugs like weed that are less harmful than tobacco and alcohol which are legal. since proabition of light drugs fund organized crime i say legalize it.


I strongly believe that the war on drugs is COMPLETELY lost. I have been smoking Marijuana for 4 years now, and I find that it is in fact easier to find and purchase marijuana (an illegal substance) than Alcohol (a legal substance) as an 18 year old. The billions of dollars and the countless lives that the US has wasted on this subject have not helped. They are better off legalizing, taxing, and enforcing the same laws as tobacco and alcohol. annd so I can enjoy my 420 in peace this friday :)


In PuertoRico the drug war has effected us more than 18 deaths every weekend! Legalize drugs!


Grew up around drugs and even though they were illegal, my childhood was still screwed. They should all be legal, look at Portugal, they are doing better, even if it is only a little. And people don't be hypocrites. If you are for weed, alcohol, and cigarettes. How can you be against coke, LSD, and heroine. For those that take Oxycontin, it is pretty much heroine.


i actually i'm opposed to legalisation because the strict curbs on drugs suddenly being lifted will cause large scale addiction. releasing the floodgates will not help. plus drugs like cocaine r too harmful to even THINK of legalising. marijuana maybe but heroin? NO.


Definitely legalize not all drugs, but at least mj. I mean if alcohol and tobacco are legal, then why not marijuana?


Bad drugs are bad

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